Master the Forehand & Backhand Block in Table Tennis: Pro Tips for Control and Precision
The Block is Half of a Drive?
The table tennis block is a control shot and is used to redirect topspin and flat hit balls to different parts of the table. You cannot always be on the offensive. Some balls come too quickly to complete a full offensive stroke. This is where a well-placed block can keep you in the rally and help you regain an offensive position. AND if you aim to be a respectable training partner, you must learn how to block to allow other players to practice against a constant and high-quality return. You will also appreciate a partner who knows how to block so you can also practice hitting a ball over and over again.
There’s No Follow Through?
The forehand block is like the drive without the follow through of the arm. The backhand block is like the backhand drive without the follow through of the arm as well. If you are following the step-by-step tutorials in our FREE Beginner to Intermediate Table Tennis Training Plan, you will have already learned how to drive from the forehand and backhand.
If There is No Follow Through, Then What is the Contact Like?
The difference with blocking is that you should allow the ball to meet your paddle at the end of your backstroke and the incoming spin and force already on the ball will propel it off of your paddle. Contact timing should be just before or at the highest point of the bounce to maintain high speed and quality. If a block is made as the ball begins falling, the timing is too late, and you will send a slow and high ball that any decent opponent will take advantage of. Keep a relaxed yet firm grip on the paddle and allow the ball to really connect with your paddle. Try to touch the ball on the top outside corner to minimize the effect of the spin on your rubber. This is especially true if the ball has HEAVY spin on it. To block to different parts of the table you can adjust your wrist angle or turn your shoulders in the direction you would like the ball to go. You can actively block and put momentum on the ball by moving your body into the block, but don’t allow your arm to drive through the shot.
Practice the Block with a Partner
To practice, you should have your opponent perform consistent drives and or loops to your either your forehand or backhand side and you block back to them. Have them loop from their forehand, their backhand, and a combination of both. To step up the difficulty you may block to different parts of the table and your opponent can attempt to continue driving and or looping the ball back to you. Even have your partner loop to both sides and you try to alternate between forehand and backhand blocking.
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